
The Limitless App

We are gearing up to transform daily life through a boundless platform experience.

barq is here to help you reach your full potential.

Get ready to dream bigger than ever – the sky is the limit.

Will be delighted
to serve you soon

Inspired by YOU

We build products and services that fulfill our users’ exact needs, and more. At barq, we aim to combine both convenience and joy at every interaction.

barq is limitless !

Board Members

barq’s Board of Directors bring in a blend of expertise from individuals who have founded and helped many organizations and startups accelerate their growth and achieve their strategic objectives.

Faisal Alkhamisi


Anas Serafi​

Vice Chairman​

Ahmed Alenazi​

CEO and Founder​

Sultan Ghaznawi​

Board Member​

Abdullah Alabduljabbar

Board Member

Faisal Alrumayan

Board Member​

Brett King

Board Member​

Muteb Al-Qani

Board Member​

Spiros Margaris

Board Member​

© barq 2024

Monitored and supervised by

Barraq Finance Company is a closed joint-stock company established under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, main office in 2163 Al Urubah Rd, Northern Maathar District 7795, Riyadh 12334, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.